Desktop App
- Notifications - (Advanced Settings) - Desktop
- How to Uninstall Beeper from macOS?
- How do I uninstall Beeper in Windows?
- Does Beeper Support IRC?
- Why are my messages archiving/auto-archiving with a delay on Beeper Desktop?
- How does the Badge Count work?
- Linux Troubleshooting - The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly
- Does Beeper Support 32-bit Architecture?
- Useful Desktop Search Filters
- How do I share feedback or suggestions?
- Notifications - Beeper Recommendations After Setup
- How to customize notification sounds per Chat Network on Beeper Desktop?
- Beeper Desktop: How do I add a chat network?
- Chat Network Disconnection: How to spot it and what to do.
- Beeper Desktop: How to navigate Beeper with Keyboard Shortcuts?
- How can I arrange my chat networks?
- How to change the font size on Beeper Desktop?