How does the Badge Count work?
Knowing how Beeper Desktop handles your unread message notifications helps you improve your productivity skills. Beeper has many ways to customize your notifications per Chat Network and chats. You can mute a single chat and disable all notifications for a chat network, e.g.
In this article, you will learn how Beeper Desktop handles your unread notification badges.
How does the Badge Count work?
You can confirm the number of unread chats and how many unread messages just by glimpsing the Inbox section of the Beeper Desktop App.
By default, the Sidebar displays the Spaces for your connected Chat Networks, which you can use to filter messages by network. In this area, the badge number you might notice over a Chat Network icon represents the number of unread chats (not related to unread messages).
In the Inbox section, you can see all your chats, either from all Chat Networks if you're in the Inbox Space or from a particular Chat Network if you are in the network Space.
You will see all your chats chronologically, with the most recent one at the top. A badge will indicate the number of unread messages in each chat.
Beeper Desktop will not prioritize unread chats over those that are already marked as read. Hence, we advise you to use the Archive feature.

Home screen and Dock badge count
The unread badge count on the app Dock icon will include the number of unread chats (not messages).
If you have three unread messages from Josh, one from Ana, and two from Abdullah, the Dock badge will show an unread badge for three chats.