I’ve lost my recovery code. How do I get new one using Beeper Desktop?
This guide applies to Beeper Desktop
For the Beeper Android Guide, refer to I’ve lost my recovery code. How do I get new one using Beeper Android?
Your recovery code is the key to your message history. Beeper encrypts your message history so only you can read it, and your recovery code is used as part of this process. Think of it like a secure box with one key.
By requesting a new recovery code, the old secure box is still locked, and has to be discarded, never to be opened again, and a new box is created with the new code.
⚠️ Your Recovery Code is linked to your Beeper account.
Since the code is linked to your Beeper account, you don't need to reset it on every app. If you need to reset your recovery code, do so in just one app: Beeper Android or Beeper Desktop.
What does this mean for me? 🤔
The app will remove all your chat networks from Beeper during this process, as they will need to use the new recovery code key to send and receive messages. This also means that message history for some services may be lost:
✅ Message History Recoverable
❌ Message History Lost
Ok, I know the downside. How do I do this, step-by-step?
You can make a recovery code using the Beeper Desktop or Beeper Android apps. The screenshots shown below are based on the Mac desktop app.
You do not need a password to complete this process.
You will have up to 1 hour after login to complete the process without one, otherwise, you may be prompted to enter a Beeper password.
If you're already logged in, log out and log in to restart the 1-hour timer.
Once you are logged in, go to the gear menu, and select Settings:

Go to the Security and Privacy panel:
Then scroll down on this panel (it can be hard to see the scroll bar on the right, but it is there):
Click Export E2E room keys. You will be prompted to set a password. Using a strong password is a good idea, as this will allow anyone with the file to decrypt any messages for you.

Once the keys have been exported, scroll back to the "Encryption" section in the same panel.
Once here, click to Reset your Secure Backup (see “1” below).
You will be provided with a new recovery code which you will need in the next step.

Now click to Reset your Cross-signing keys (see “2” above). You will see the following prompt:

When you click Clear cross-signing keys, you will be prompted for the recovery code you just made.
Once this is complete, sign out of all your other Beeper apps (if installed on your phone, tablet, or other computer), then sign in using this new desktop app to verify. This is needed to propagate the new keys across all your Beeper installations.
You have now created and set up a new recovery code.
🚨 Please store this code somewhere safe, where you can find it again.
Now, you can set up your chat networks again to use the new keys. 🎉