Useful Desktop Search Shortcuts
To really drill down deep, refine and filter your results with useful keywords (introduced in Desktop v3.55.27):
This only works on Desktop and not on our Mobile Apps.
- Facebook: fb, facebook, messenger
- Google Chat: gchat, google
- Telegram: tg, telegram
- WhatsApp: WA, whatsapp
- Instagram IG, insta, instagram
- Twitter: twitter, tw
- Slack: slack
- iMessage: imessage
- Signal: signal
- Discord: discord
- LinkedIn: linkedin
- Beeper: matrix, beeper
- SMS: SMS, android
So for example, if you're looking for Joe on Signal, you would type: joe signal and the Desktop App's search will further narrow those results to bubble up in the results list, your conversation with Joe on Signal.
The new generation of Beeper Desktop is almost ready!
A new era for Beeper Desktop and iOS is here!
We’ve been hard at work on the next generation of Beeper, and now you can check it out for yourself. Try the latest version today: